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The Internet Sucks

Everybody knows the Internet sucks the same way a junkie knows looking down at his veins that it sucks while it continues to get worse. I wouldn't be the first to write this as the preface to an Internet manifesto, so I'll be brief and assume you're already caught up on what a plight we're in to be wasting our time this way, this profoundly.

We Will Continue to Use the Net Even Though it Sucks

At least I will. I have been horribly addicted to the Internet my entire life. In the past, this addiction had always been on my terms, but as the world progressed and people learned how to better manipulate Internet users, I became less in control than I realized.

I have weaned off of apps that were negatively impacting me into ones I'm more okay with using now that I'm aware what a problem it can be. We have to make good decisions about the Internet and how we are going to use it.

But how badly the Internet sucks does not stop when you decide. You find it festering with new smells in other places as you drift to other ways of using it.

I Hate The Left Wing Internet

So you drop out. Fuck Facebook / Fuck Tiktok -- whatever it is. Where do you go?

There's a genre of open source web application that implements a concept called federation, where the ownership of the network is decentralized and in the hands of associated system admins. This sounds great when they tell you how they believe this makes it better, but it's a one for one copy of the Internet status quo. It is more isolated and leans farther to the left the more time you spend on it.

I voted against George W. Bush. I voted for Obama. I voted for Bernie Sanders. I was on your side before you were born in a time period when no one else cared to speak up for you.

And yet I hate what you have done to the Internet. I hate how you've co-opted speaking up for others to serve yourselves. I hate what you've done to comedy. I generally want to be as far away from you as I can possibly be.

Have you ever felt that way?

I Fucking Hate The Right Wing Internet

So where do you go? You're done with Mastodon and corporate social media and all these sensitive types of people who love to make a fuss. "This woke nonsense" starts showing up in your YouTube suggestions because you can't fully kick that so now you're on your way.

Remember the old Internet? Remember Something Awful, 4chan, the good old days? There's probably a forum out there where everybody's on the level. "Yeah", people shout from the back.

Talk about subjects like this on certain domains will lead into talk of delusional conspiracy. Entire forums of users bully the easiest targets and political whispers from the back justify and encourage it. The conversation leans more to the right the more time that you spend there.

The Internet is Disgusting

The right very quickly tries to give you the pill and it sends you puking to the bathroom within hours of taking it. It takes a while for the stench from the left to overwhelm you to the point of leaving but it eventually does. I'm sure the reverse case has happened to other people, too.

I don't care what side you came from.

All I care about is that you're on the level: you want to be away from these psychoticly stupid people from both sides as much as I do.

Welcome to My Forum Site

Divchan is a collection of imageboards that can be accessed at The divisions between our cultures that have previously kept us apart will no longer.

I want you to remember what it was like to interact with people who think differently than you without fighting about it all the time. I want you to come here knowing that the people on the other end, they are not the worst of either side of the friction because they want out, too.

My Promise To You

These boards won't be a paradise away from the awful things about the Internet. We are after all users and have to reduce the harm caused by using at all times. This starts with awareness about what it is. Divchan is just another iteration of bullshit in a series of on-going Internet bullshit. Most likely no one will notice it blink out of existence at all but here it is. If it lasts, one day people will talk about how it's not what it used to be. This is the internet in all its filth.

There are a few things I can promise.

No one will virtue signal

No one will dog whistle

No one will witch hunt

No one will post propaganda

Easy targets will not be exploited

Only mods will police language


make an account

post content

  • /main/
  • and there are other boards, too.

share content

I know you haven't kicked all the social media yet!

contribute to source code

on github