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Fun with Retroarch on Linux

Retroarch is a frontend for emulators. It basically merges multiple systems into a customizable interface with unified settings. I'm going to show you how I build and configure my classic game box and we'll look at the scripts I use to get roms onto it. By the end we will have a complete collection of games, thumbnails, screenshots, and database info about every game ever released for multiple classic gaming consoles. Then we'll do some other fun things like organizing a random game picker.

Dynamically Rendering Content on Neocities

A common question that I see coming from new Neocities webmasters:

"Is there a way to edit all my navigation HTML at once or do I have to go through page by page updating all of them to add something to the menu?"

That is a great question and probably one of the first big questions you will have as you begin your journey into HTML and CSS.

The solution that I'm going to give you is the easiest one to implement, but it is not necessarily the best. But since you are new, we'll start with this very flawed approach that will work on your personal Neocities page and serve to introduce you to the somewhat problematic, messy world of JavaScript.